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ASCII: Full table of codes 2025

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding system designed to represent text on a computer. This standard includes various tables reflecting a variety of character categories. In this article, we will look at three important ASCII tables: Control Characters, Printable Characters, and Extended Characters encoded in Win-1251 Cyrillic.

Control characters

Control characters are special characters that are not displayed when displaying text on the screen, but perform certain control functions. They are often used in programming, including when working with text strings.

DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol Escape last. HTML code Description
0 000 0x00 00000000 NUL \0 � Null byte
1 001 0x01 00000001 SOH  The beginning of the title
2 002 0x02 00000010 STX  The beginning of the text
3 003 0x03 00000011 ETX  The end of the “text”
4 004 0x04 00000100 EOT  end of transmission
5 005 0x05 00000101 ENQ  “Please confirm!”
6 006 0x06 00000110 ACK  “I confirm!”
7 007 0x07 00000111 BEL \a  Beep – bell
8 010 0x08 00001000 BS \b  Return by one character (BACKSPACE)
9 011 0x09 00001001 TAB \t 	 Tabulation
10 012 0x0A 00001010 LF \n 
 Line feed
11 013 0x0B 00001011 VT \v  Vertical tabulation
12 014 0x0C 00001100 FF \f  Page run, new page
13 015 0x0D 00001101 CR \r 
 Carriage return
14 016 0x0E 00001110 SO  Switch to another tape (encoding)
15 017 0x0F 00001111 SI  Switch to the original tape (encoding)
16 020 0x10 00010000 DLE  Data channel shielding
17 021 0x11 00010001 DC1  1st device control symbol
18 022 0x12 00010010 DC2  2nd device control symbol
19 023 0x13 00010011 DC3  The 3rd character of the device control
20 024 0x14 00010100 DC4  The 4th symbol of device control
21 025 0x15 00010101 NAK  “I do not confirm!”
22 026 0x16 00010110 SYN  The symbol for synchronization
23 027 0x17 00010111 ETB  End of the text block
24 030 0x18 00011000 CAN  Cancellation
25 031 0x19 00011001 EM  The end of the media
26 032 0x1A 00011010 SUB  Substitute
27 033 0x1B 00011011 ESC \e  Escape (Extension)
28 034 0x1C 00011100 FS  File separator
29 035 0x1D 00011101 GS  Group separator
30 036 0x1E 00011110 RS  Record separator
31 037 0x1F 00011111 US  Unit separator
127 177 0x7F 01111111 Delete  The symbol to delete (on punched tapes)

Printable characters are characters that are designed to be displayed and printed on a screen or paper. They include letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols that can be seen and perceived as text. Unlike control characters, which perform special functions (for example, line feed, deletion, etc.), printed characters serve to represent information in a readable form.

Examples of printed characters include letters of the alphabet (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), punctuation marks (., !, ?, and so on) and other characters that we use to write text.

Extended ASCII characters Win-1251 Cyrillic

The extended ASCII characters Win-1251 are a set of characters that include Latin letters (A-Z, a-z), Arabic numerals (0-9), punctuation marks and special characters, as well as additional characters used to represent Cyrillic (Russian and some other Slavic languages). It is an extension of the ASCII standard, which originally covered only the Latin alphabet and basic characters.

DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML code Mnemonics
128 200 0x80 10000000 Ђ €
129 201 0x81 10000001 Ѓ 
130 202 0x82 10000010 ‚ ‚
131 203 0x83 10000011 ѓ ƒ
132 204 0x84 10000100 „ „
133 205 0x85 10000101 … …
134 206 0x86 10000110 † †
135 207 0x87 10000111 ‡ ‡
136 210 0x88 10001000 ˆ €
137 211 0x89 10001001 ‰ ‰
138 212 0x8A 10001010 Љ Š
139 213 0x8B 10001011 ‹ ‹
140 214 0x8C 10001100 Њ Œ
141 215 0x8D 10001101 Ќ 
142 216 0x8E 10001110 Ћ Ž
143 217 0x8F 10001111 Џ 
144 220 0x90 10010000 Ђ 
145 221 0x91 10010001 ‘ ‘
146 222 0x92 10010010 ’ ’
147 223 0x93 10010011 “ “
148 224 0x94 10010100 ” ”
149 225 0x95 10010101 • •
150 226 0x96 10010110 – –
151 227 0x97 10010111 — —
152 230 0x98 10011000 The beginning of the line ˜
153 231 0x99 10011001 ™ ™
154 232 0x9A 10011010 љ š
155 233 0x9B 10011011 › ›
156 234 0x9C 10011100 њ œ
157 235 0x9D 10011101 ќ 
158 236 0x9E 10011110 ћ ž
159 237 0x9F 10011111 џ Ÿ
160 240 0xA0 10100000 An unbreakable gap    
161 241 0xA1 10100001 Ў ¡
162 242 0xA2 10100010 ў ¢
163 243 0xA3 10100011 Ј £
164 244 0xA4 10100100 ¤ ¤ ¤
165 245 0xA5 10100101 Ґ ¥
166 246 0xA6 10100110 ¦ ¦ ¦
167 247 0xA7 10100111 § § §
168 250 0xA8 10101000 Ё ¨
169 251 0xA9 10101001 © © ©
170 252 0xAA 10101010 Є ª
171 253 0xAB 10101011 « « «
172 254 0xAC 10101100 ¬ ¬ ¬
173 255 0xAD 10101101 Soft transfer ­ ­
174 256 0xAE 10101110 ® ® ®
175 257 0xAF 10101111 Ї ¯
176 260 0xB0 10110000 ° ° °
177 261 0xB1 10110001 ± ± ±
178 262 0xB2 10110010 І ²
179 263 0xB3 10110011 і ³
180 264 0xB4 10110100 ґ ´
181 265 0xB5 10110101 µ µ µ
182 266 0xB6 10110110 ¶ ¶
183 267 0xB7 10110111 · · ·
184 270 0xB8 10111000 ё ¸
185 271 0xB9 10111001 ¹
186 272 0xBA 10111010 є º
187 273 0xBB 10111011 » » »
188 274 0xBC 10111100 ј ¼
189 275 0xBD 10111101 Ѕ ½
190 276 0xBE 10111110 ѕ ¾
191 277 0xBF 10111111 ї ¿
192 300 0xC0 11000000 А À
193 301 0xC1 11000001 Б Á
194 302 0xC2 11000010 В Â
195 303 0xC3 11000011 Г Ã
196 304 0xC4 11000100 Д Ä
197 305 0xC5 11000101 Е Å
198 306 0xC6 11000110 Ж Æ
199 307 0xC7 11000111 З Ç
200 310 0xC8 11001000 И È
201 311 0xC9 11001001 Й É
202 312 0xCA 11001010 К Ê
203 313 0xCB 11001011 Л Ë
204 314 0xCC 11001100 М Ì
205 315 0xCD 11001101 Н Í
206 316 0xCE 11001110 О Î
207 317 0xCF 11001111 П Ï
208 320 0xD0 11010000 Р Ð
209 321 0xD1 11010001 С Ñ
210 322 0xD2 11010010 Т Ò
211 323 0xD3 11010011 У Ó
212 324 0xD4 11010100 Ф Ô
213 325 0xD5 11010101 Х Õ
214 326 0xD6 11010110 Ц Ö
215 327 0xD7 11010111 Ч ×
216 330 0xD8 11011000 Ш Ø
217 331 0xD9 11011001 Щ Ù
218 332 0xDA 11011010 Ъ Ú
219 333 0xDB 11011011 Ы Û
220 334 0xDC 11011100 Ь Ü
221 335 0xDD 11011101 Э Ý
222 336 0xDE 11011110 Ю Þ
223 337 0xDF 11011111 Я ß
224 340 0xE0 11100000 а à
225 341 0xE1 11100001 б á
226 342 0xE2 11100010 в â
227 343 0xE3 11100011 г ã
228 344 0xE4 11100100 д ä
229 345 0xE5 11100101 е å
230 346 0xE6 11100110 ж æ
231 347 0xE7 11100111 з ç
232 350 0xE8 11101000 и è
233 351 0xE9 11101001 й é
234 352 0xEA 11101010 к ê
235 353 0xEB 11101011 л ë
236 354 0xEC 11101100 м ì
237 355 0xED 11101101 н í
238 356 0xEE 11101110 о î
239 357 0xEF 11101111 п ï
240 360 0xF0 11110000 р ð
241 361 0xF1 11110001 с ñ
242 362 0xF2 11110010 т ò
243 363 0xF3 11110011 у ó
244 364 0xF4 11110100 ф ô
245 365 0xF5 11110101 х õ
246 366 0xF6 11110110 ц ö
247 367 0xF7 11110111 ч ÷
248 370 0xF8 11111000 ш ø
249 371 0xF9 11111001 щ ù
250 372 0xFA 11111010 ъ ú
251 373 0xFB 11111011 ы û
252 374 0xFC 11111100 ь ü
253 375 0xFD 11111101 э ý
254 376 0xFE 11111110 ю þ
255 377 0xFF 11111111 я ÿ

The Win-1251 encoding is widely used to represent Cyrillic characters in Windows operating systems. In this encoding, each character is represented by one byte (8 bits). Russian Russian letters (A-Z, a-z), letters of other Slavic languages, as well as some special characters necessary for the correct display of the text in Russian.

For example, the character “A” in Win-1251 encoding has the code 0xC0, and the character “a” has 0xE0. The full set of characters encoded in Win-1251 can be found in the Win-1251 character table

What is presented in the tables?

The table is a comparison of values in various number systems and their representations in the form of characters, escape sequences, HTML codes and their descriptions. Each line contains the following information:

  • DEC: The value is in the decimal system.
  • OCT: The value in the octal system.
  • HEX: The value in the hexadecimal system.
  • BIN: The value in the binary system.
  • Symbol: A symbolic representation of the corresponding value.
  • Escape last: A sequence of characters used to represent a value in programs and lines of code.
  • HTML code: The HTML code used to insert the symbol into web pages.
  • Description: A brief description of the meaning and its representations.


ASCII tables provide us with a convenient way to interact with a computer by representing characters and their codes. They play an important role in working with text information and programming. Knowing these tables helps you better understand how computers process and represent symbols, as well as how to use different symbols when writing code and text.

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